Green Buildings and green IT - Helps in reducing the ill effects of global warming

Keeping in pace with the world globalization, one factor is causing a deep rooted concern in the minds of people across the globe-that’s global warming. With the construction of sky scrapers and ever progressing economy day by day there is an alarming rise in carbon footprint caused by the various amenities like cars, laptops and various gadgets which have lowly become a part and parcel of our life. This global warming has been given due respect by environmentalists all over the world who are pressurizing industries and manufacturers all over the world to ensure them to follow the sustainable practices and switch over to green technology and Green IT. Now industries from all over the world, especially in the world of information technology have realized that sustainability can no longer be treated as an option but it must be a necessary practice. Sustainability helps one to increase the operational performance and helps in suitable cost reduction by switching over to the world of green technology. Green IT is one of the major areas which is practicing and promoting the green technology through its various uses.

Similarly, in the world of buildings, sky scrapers and high risers are no longer a distant dream. The buildings that are now being built are putting a conscious effort in using earth friendly materials to reduce the ill effects of global warming. It is true that if we want to consciously make an effort we can easily reduce the pressure on the Mother earth. The materials, designs and the resources that are used in the construction of the green buildings should be subjected to proper use by following the environmentally sound methods of construction and by make a careful choice of the locations that we use for building homes. Location of any building is a thing of prime concern for any building because it directly relates to various factors like transportation, consumption of energy, material usage and the design. The green buildings that are manufactured across the world are stressing on the need for usage of renewable energy resources and reduce the use of fossil fuel. This can contribute in a great way to reduce the environmental pressure on fossil fuel. The home interior of any green is very important. The green buildings are constructed to provide maximum natural light, no moisture build up and use the non toxic paints and fixtures to help in the protection of the environment.

Similarly Green IT uses the green sources of energy to reduce carbon footprint impact and also ensures effective data centre management. So, switch over to green buildings and green IT and help in reducing the ill effects of global warming.
